Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Boredom Busters!

There's only 2 weeks left of the semester and we're all hard at work trying to complete those last minute assignments. Well we all know what happens when we're working hard at the computer - we ultimately succumb to the brilliant power of the internet. There are literally a hundred other things I could be doing right now that would be mightily more productive than scouring my bookmarks for cool sites I've collected.

I've just stumbled upon this new site called ''. You tell the site what kind of things your interested in and it surfs the internet for you! It works in the same way that '' does. The first site 'Stumble Upon' found for me was an online game. Online games are deadly addictive for me so I forced myself to click the 'stumble' button to get away from that page. Currently I'm searching through a bunch of music orientated wallpapers, I think I've found my monthly background!

If you're looking for a way to procrastinate (*cough* I mean take a break from you're studies) then look no further, here's a little collection of sites I've discovered so far: Here's a link to my tumblr ( to give you an idea of what the sites about. Think if twitter became a blog.

Maths all over again: Missed out on basic mathematics in school or just can't remember anything since you've left? Check out Steven Strogatz regular updates on the New York Times blogs to go back to basics and beyond (

Ted: This site is an awesome way to gain different perspectives of the world through speeches and talks. Remember when you're school hired that motivational speaker to come talk to you about how life gets better after high school? Well that speech would have been featured on Ted.

Tetris Remastered: Old school tetris gets modernised with this little online game. It's basically the same tetris you've played for the last 20 years except with a little twist. Check it out here: Also, how good is the music!?

Google Goodness: Until a week ago I had no idea the wonderful and magical things Google could do. It was like opening up a whole new world. not only that, but there are sites designed around manipulating google. First we haves Google backwards - Next, we have a site that combats that one facebook friend who refuses to use Google and instead just asks their friends to do it for them. Well next time you see that status update hit them back with this (Let Me Google That For You). Oh and Google doesn't implode if you Google Google, disappointing I know.

Virtual Sand: I once stayed on this site until I had filled the page with sand, which is actually kind of sad now that I think about it... (

Dr. Horrible: For lovers of Neil Patrick Harris you will love this. (

Go Away: Inappropriate laughs guaranteed. (

That should be enough to last the next two weeks! I will leave with one final page about Perth ( and that should do it. :)


P.S Oh and before you go *whispers* google secret #367 - type 'Sexy Snape' into google and press 'I'm Feeling Lucky', you will not regret this.

1 comment:

  1. I love TED! go and watch David Logan's speech on Tribal Leadership
