Sunday, April 25, 2010

Winter, is that you?

The biting cold has reached us. It's to cold too leave the house at night without a jacket, and too cold to want to leave the comfort of our sheets in the morning. This has only been going on for a couple of weeks and already I'm resulting to comfort food and movies to get me through.

This morning I arose pretty early for a Sunday when I wasn't working, so I decided to chill out in the lounge and watch some Sunday morning television. I can always recall Sunday morning being the worst time for television. It's worse then daytime TV, at least then we have The View and Dr. Phil. But this morning I was quite surprised. Due to today being ANZAC Day (Lest We Forget) there was a special show on ABC showing ANZAC parade's over the years. I started watching from 1995 until it stopped at 2006. It was like watching my life go by. When the 2001 march came on, I thought wow that was only yesterday. I had to stop and remind myself that that was 9 years ago. When 2005 came on, I just shook my head. I'm still finding it hard to comprehend that I'm turning 20 this year.

Next I stumbled upon Channel 10, and much to my amusement Video Hits were screening interviews with the Glee cast! I am a self proclaimed Gleek and I'm terribly upset that the show is coming back at 8pm Thursday nights, which is the one work shift I am guaranteed every week. Aside from a Glee preview there were a few bands on Video Hits that I was a little surprised to see. Firstly there was Dizzee Rascal and Florence & the Machine. Maybe not so surprising seeing as Dizzee has had a couple of mainstream hits, and then again so has Florence. It's strange that a year ago I was obsessed with "The Dog Days are Over" and couldn't get any of my friends to like it quite as much. Maybe now they will finally listen. Then Marina and The Diamonds came on. I haven't even heard her on the radio yet?! Thanks to Perez Hilton I was introduced to Marina, and I think she may have had a single of the week on itunes at one stage. Nevertheless, the last time this happened was with Katy Perry, and I would have thought her to be considerably more mainstream than Marina & the Diamonds, but whatever Video Hits. Lastly, We Are Scientists made an appearance. I was over being surprised at this stage, but honestly their still more Nova material then they are Top 40. I can't really complain about "Mainstream" music though seeing as one of my favourite bands is Powderfinger. And as long as Bernard Fanning doesn't join a political party any time soon, I will still respect them as a band.

So as today is ANZAC Day, we have tomorrow off uni. I'm quite pleased about this. It means I have more time to work on unfinished (and not started) assignments due in the coming weeks. And seeing as I spent a good day shopping last Thursday, I really have no excuse for not staying home. But as any true procrastinator would, I will find a distraction. Right now I'm properly discovering Grizzly Bear, aside from the odd track. I'm a little late on this and expect a rightful bashing. But nevertheless, they are pretty awesome. I've also got a group assignment which needs attending to. I've made a start on this, if not almost completed already but I hate giving a group work that isn't really upto standard. It's okay for me to create a rough draft and finish the good copy 2 hours before its due, but when it comes to group assignments I feel I need to step my game up a bit. Group assignments are also about matching your groups work standards. And I've got a pretty good group this semester, meaning they're hard working, smart, and fun to be around. So I would hate to disappoint them with my work at this stage which would only warrant a Pass grade, and we're aiming for a Distinction.

With that said, I best get back to the group work. I wouldn't want an e-mail on Tuesday saying "you've had a long weekend to work on it, where's your contribution?". Even though their pretty cool and this won't happen, I still know they'd be thinking it ;).


P.S Goooooooo Freo!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I need to stop procrastinating.

Meh, I'll start tomorrow.

This past week has been a total blur. It mostly consisted of me rushing from here to there, working, and struggling to complete an assignment I had 6 weeks to work on. The funny thing is that despite realising I may have a problem with leaving things to the last minute, I will still do it again with my next assignment. There really should be a program call Procrastinator's Anonymous (PA) for University students. We would have meetings once a week in the library and someone will help us change our attitude towards study in order to complete assignments days before the due date.
My best friend will work on an essay as soon as the essay question is provided. She will write several drafts, check them herself, ask others to check them, and even take them to her tutor at times. Yes, she gets very good marks and even hopes to do honours. I have studied with her for at least 2 days per week every semester over the past 2 years, and her good habits are yet to rub off on me. It also doesn't help that I have this conversation regularly:
"Have you done that assignment due 3 days from now?"
"Nah haven't even started aye"
"Haha, yeah me neither".
This happens often, way too often. It makes me think "if they've left it this long then it's not so bad that I have either". Well it is bad. Some people write really well under pressure, I'm not one of them. My best work tends to happen when I've spent a few weeks researching, and then about a week writing.

Is it just me or do interesting things only happen on campus when I'm not there? Apparently there was an evacuation in the library this week, with fire trucks and all! I'm not sure about the full story, but it may have just been a drill. Either way, what an awesome excuse to not study.

There's some pretty cool events coming up soon for students still pondering over what to study. I'll post a couple of updates here, they include things like 'Be a Band Manager for a day',' Be a Vet for a day', and 'Be a Nurse for a day'.

Till next time,


Friday, April 9, 2010

All good things come to an end...

Today I was all jolly and excited to get my homework finished before the end of study break, that way I can say I actually did something. But now I don't know how I'm going to be able to concentrate, thanks to this story.

Last night I became aware that Powderfinger would be holding a press conference today to announce some 'exciting' news. Now I know bands don't just hold a press conference to announce a national tour, and I also know that Powderfinger's latest album was one of their greatest. Therefore, it would have been safe to assume that the band were announcing the end of their career as a musical group, I just didn't want it to be true. But alas! This morning it was indeed announced that Powderfinger were disbanding as a touring and recording band. How am I expected to write press releases and speeches with the knowledge that I will only see Powderfinger in concert one more time? I just hope this is a John Farnham-Crowded House type "farewell" tour. Only time will tell...

While I'm here procrastinating I might as well mention some exciting news to do with those blocks outside the library. Last night a friend of mine pointed out that "Murdoch encounters" now has a web page. You can visit it here: Now this site is both very good and very bad. We'll get the bad part out of the way first... it is very addictive! Don't say you haven't been warned. Addictiveness is a very bad thing when you're a uni student and need to have assignments done. That being said... it is totally awesome! You can add you own encounters, for example V energy + Essay = Essay gets a slap in the face. Or you can combine encounters others have added. Plus it's quite a good looking site with plenty of pictures and colour - enough to tear you away from that boring Microsoft office screen. I also like that when I vote for an encounter a message pops up reading "Thanks for voting for this encounter - it likes you too!"

I realise I never actually got around to writing a review for the West Coast Blues and Roots festival. That's mainly due to the fact that I was hardly on the grounds and saw only a few bands (Edwarde Sharpe + The Magnetic Zero's = totally amazing - see what I did there?) So instead of providing a skewed perspective of my day I'm going to refer you to a fellow Murdoch student who actually saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. Check it out here:

Also! Before I go you must, must MUST! Go to this webpage: It gives a new definition to "fish slap" (and no I don't mean that, get your minds out of the gutters!).


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Show and Tell: Easter Edition.

I'm kind of sad I re-discovered this site on the eve of Easter Sunday. But only good things can come from it I guess. If you've never stumbled upon "This is Why You're Fat", then you really have no idea how bad food can actually get. I will commend some of the terrible dishes featured on this blog as quite creative. I really don't know why someone would say hmm... today I'm going to make a mug out of bacon! But someone did, and it went straight to:

Today I discovered one of the greatest answers on a school test I've ever seen. Yes I saw it on facebook after someone created a "fan group" dedicated to it, nevertheless it is completely genius. It contains logic, humour, and an intelligent answer earning the student an A+. Check it out below:

On Thursday I had the great pleasure of seeing Lady Gaga live. I don't feel that a one paragraph summary will do the show justice so hopefully I'll get around to posting an actual review. She was brilliant though! The next morning both my parents were eager to hear how she was. My dad even sat to look at photos after hearing all about the show on talkback radio! This single reaction tells me she has a long career ahead of her.

Next week is week 8 for Murdoch University students and we have ANOTHER study break already! I'm not liking these early study breaks. It means that we have a 6 week block of classes, as opposed to a 5 week block which was in place last year, leading up to the end of semester. The last few weeks of semester is always the busiest time. Usually a lot of units will have assignments due in the last 3 weeks of semester, and I know I've got a few. The smart thing to do would be to catch up on my work this study break and get a head start on assignments due in the coming weeks. But you know as well as I do that this probably won't happen. ;)

Have a lovely Easter, and study break!
