Saturday, April 17, 2010

I need to stop procrastinating.

Meh, I'll start tomorrow.

This past week has been a total blur. It mostly consisted of me rushing from here to there, working, and struggling to complete an assignment I had 6 weeks to work on. The funny thing is that despite realising I may have a problem with leaving things to the last minute, I will still do it again with my next assignment. There really should be a program call Procrastinator's Anonymous (PA) for University students. We would have meetings once a week in the library and someone will help us change our attitude towards study in order to complete assignments days before the due date.
My best friend will work on an essay as soon as the essay question is provided. She will write several drafts, check them herself, ask others to check them, and even take them to her tutor at times. Yes, she gets very good marks and even hopes to do honours. I have studied with her for at least 2 days per week every semester over the past 2 years, and her good habits are yet to rub off on me. It also doesn't help that I have this conversation regularly:
"Have you done that assignment due 3 days from now?"
"Nah haven't even started aye"
"Haha, yeah me neither".
This happens often, way too often. It makes me think "if they've left it this long then it's not so bad that I have either". Well it is bad. Some people write really well under pressure, I'm not one of them. My best work tends to happen when I've spent a few weeks researching, and then about a week writing.

Is it just me or do interesting things only happen on campus when I'm not there? Apparently there was an evacuation in the library this week, with fire trucks and all! I'm not sure about the full story, but it may have just been a drill. Either way, what an awesome excuse to not study.

There's some pretty cool events coming up soon for students still pondering over what to study. I'll post a couple of updates here, they include things like 'Be a Band Manager for a day',' Be a Vet for a day', and 'Be a Nurse for a day'.

Till next time,



  1. If procrastination was a physical object, I would beat the ever loving crap out of it.

    Sorry for the bad language but I struggle so hard at uni now because of procrastination and it has only been 6 weeks.

    In fact, I'm procrastinating right now when I have stuff due tomorrow that I haven't even done yet... Go me :(.

  2. If procrastination was a physical object, I would beat the ever loving crap out of it.

    Sorry for the bad language but I struggle so hard at uni now because of procrastination and it has only been 6 weeks.

    In fact, I'm procrastinating right now when I have stuff due tomorrow that I haven't even done yet... Go me :(.
