Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What do you mean east side and west side?

Wow, what a difference two months can make. Yesterday I stepped foot on Uni grounds for the first time since November last year. Everything that was under construction when I left has now been completed.

There are new courts outside of the gym area, the bottom of bush court has had a make-over adding a new layer look to the once bleak field of grass, and the student center is now easy to access with futuristic queuing mechanisms once reserved for banks.

The new student center makes me happy. Before I wouldn't even go near the student center just because from the outside it looked confusing, I can be difficult like that. But this new design makes everything so simple. You walk in, you press a series of buttons on a machine telling it what type of 'enquiry' you need to make, you receive a number, you sit on the cool comfy chairs and wait for your number to be called. After the electronic voice calls your number you sort your issues out and be on your merry way. It really is that simple. The building is also riddled with pamphlets for courses and an abundance of prospectus guides.

So my advice for today is to go to the student center. If you're like me and just do it yourself and then find out later that what you've entered online is actually wrong and now it needs to be fixed, then I suggest you go to the student center and ask them to do it for you. It will just make life easier. Also if you're a new student you will probably get a majority of your questions answered here, so don't be scared to pop in and find out what the east side of bush court means. I might have to do that myself actually, because I still have no idea.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm new to Murdoch, have been reading your funny postings here and agree that the student centre is GREAT! The aircon was a relief after standing out in the sun and the aqua spongy chairs that look like they're made of concrete are the best chairs- will have to get some from the aqua spongy chair shop (wherever that is).
    See you in line at the food van...
    1st yr B Ed (EC&P)
