Wednesday, June 23, 2010

High School Vs. University Part 2.

One of the greatest things I learnt before going to university was that I didn't need to study TEE. If you don't think you can handle the pressure of TEE studies then talk to someone at your school and ask them what your alternatives are. I think it all depends on what you want to study when you reach university, as some courses may require you to do TEE. These no harm in asking, though. Instead of studying TEE in year 12 I compiled a portfolio of references, my proudest work, and a cover letter explaining why I wanted to study media.

One thing teachers tried to scare me with as well was the fact that students who studied TEE would be more prepared for a university workload. I think that this comes down to the individual. I used to cruise along in high school with a few B's here and there and a heck of a lot of C's. At university I'm achieving higher grades than I ever did at school with several D's (Distinctions, equivalent to a B) and a couple of HD's (High Distinctions, these are equivalent to an A). I've also heard several stories of students who studied TEE dropping out of university because the pressure was too much. So don't worry if you think the workload is going to be too much to handle, and try not to listen to teachers scare tactics too much. A lot of the time they don't even relate to you, and you'll do a lot better than you might think.

So don't get too bummed if your not performing exceptionally well in school, I never did and I continue to surprise myself at University.


Oh, and one more reason why university rocks. You get to do cool things like this in your break and no one cares:

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