Monday, March 1, 2010

One from the vault.

Today I'm a little uninspired, despite a rather funny incident which occurred today (A friend of mine counted how many points there were in a "Ten Point Plan", yes she went to Future Music Festival last night. (which means she was a bit tired) And yes I did just put a bracket inside a bracket) Anyway! This means I'm not going to write an awesomely awesome blog, despite my pretty awesome day. So instead I'm bringing out a blog that I wrote in Year 11 when I first started blogging. This was the last blog I ever wrote on my old MSN space, RIP little fella.

Here it is.... :

05 December 2006

Walking to school is stoopid.

So I had to walk to school one day. Actually I had to do it a few times, damn the good weather. Anyway, it was hot and I was starting to feel depressed that I didn't know how to catch a bus from my house to the school. And this isn't Mandurah High people, im not that lazy gosh!
Anyway, too prevent myself from becoming too sad I sung myself a stoopid song to pass the time. I had songbird stuck in my head also, so the song I sung was to that tune. Although the chorus doesn't match too well.... but hey what can I say, im not much of a rhymer, at all. haha.
So anyway enjoy! it helped cure my boredom, I hope it does the same for you :)

I have entitled it School Bus.
Original music by Bernard Fanning

Verse 1
I wish I knew which bus to catch
Then I wouldn't have to walk to school
Because thats just not cool

So I'll just keep on looking ahead
As the sweat keeps running down my face
Oh its just not great

Chorus (its not perfect)
Won't you tell me which bus to catch
One with air conditioning
Cause the sun just won't stop glistening

Verse 2
Now I'm about to cross the bridge
Keep telling myself that I won't look down
Cause I might lose my crown - (crown's another word for head)

So I'll just keep holding my head up high
Till my eyes meet sight with the sky
Oh so high

Repeat Chorus.
Repeat Verse 1

Just tell me the number of the bus x 4

1 comment:

  1. Jess, posting old entries is cheating

    hahaha but it doesn't count as plagiarism so it's all good *thumbs up*
