A friend just posted this video on Facebook...
Usually I don't watch many videos that people post, unless i am extremely bored, but this link caught my eye. The description read "We believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory." I thought it was a brilliant idea! And calling it "The fun theory"!? Ingenious!
The video shows how they use the "fun theory" to change peoples minds about taking the escalator, otherwise known as moving stairs. They turn it into a piano so people want to walk up the stairs instead of standing on the moving stairs. Really its doing two things now. Firstly everyone is getting fitter, secondly everyone is getting happier! No more sad faces in class or grumpy old people complaining about the way you dress, because the "fun theory" has changed their behaviour by making life fun again. And everyday while passing through the subway people are going to actually look forward to walking up the stairs! They're not even thinking of the fact that its actually exercise. Its like when you try to get a baby to eat their vegetables and you say "here comes the aeroplane! nomnomnom" and the baby either eats it or looks at you like you're the two year old, not them.
I think the whole idea of having fun can make anything seem well... funner? For example, your task is to write a journal every single week for the rest of the 14 week semester. In your journal you include lecture summaries, class summaries, sample materials, writing exercises and a weekly reflection. This is the unfortunate task that I find myself doing once a week. Actually I lie, I don't do it once a week. But I should and this is how I know I am going to have a sleepless week 14 while trying to catch up on it all. Note to self: STAY ON TOP OF JOURNALS! Anyhow back to the point. You must keep a weekly journal. Now, as i have discovered, it is a pretty boring and daunting task. But! we can liven it up a little by using colour, cool paper, awesome font, or writing as if it were a blog! All these things would make the task a little more inviting, because.. yerp you guessed it, we're having fun!!
The message here people is, have fun! Its like when you were 5 years old and everything was a game. Institutions like school, university, and work places can take the fun out of life. It can steal our imagination. We need to fight back I say! Let you're creative juices flow. If you want to learn a musical instrument, learn it! If you work 9-5 in a dead end job and want something more, go find it! The fun is there, it just needs to be rediscovered.
Too awesome! Lets re-do the Murdoch stairs:)