Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wait... you volunteered for MORE work?!

Yes it is true, i put up my hand and volunteered to become a Murdoch blogger. But its only because of the fantastic prizes! (I swear... I'm not some insane person that is driven by an overload of work... i promise) Honestly, who would just walk by the chance at winning an internship at sunset events, that's basically my dream job.

So here I am, extending my writing skills to the world of blogging. My last two posts on this site were faster louder features, so i haven't really blogged since i was in year 11 which is going to make this interesting. To start off I'm aware that people may actually read this site now so i would like to clarify a few things.

Firstly, lets start of with me. I'm 18 (almost 19 he he) and I'm in my second year at Murdoch University. I never did TEE and submitted a portfolio through my school to gain a Murdoch entry scholarship, so that should give those who aren't studying TEE some hope. After all, i was told if i don't do TEE then i won't get to uni. But Murdoch is awesome so here i am =] I am music fan and try to get involved with events as much as i possibly can. I think if i had the same approach to my studies as i do with my passion to music i would definitely be an honours student.

Secondly, Yes that is a line from a Miley Cyrus song in my headline for this blog. I don't care what y'all say, its catchy.

Thirdly, The first two posts on this site are a sign of both my procrastination and short attention span. I was supposed to start blogging thoughts as an outlet from uni assignments a long time ago, but i just kind of... forgot... Hmm lets hope i can stick with this.

Fourthly, I assure you i will be a little bit more interesting in the future. I thought i should give a run down of who i am before i just throw some of my experiences at you.

I hope you like whats left to come, although i think i might fall flat on my face with these 'assignments' we're given. I always get freaked out when something is due and it never really seems to be good quality... i think its just a mind thing, my brain knows homework is no good! For now i will leave you with some good for nothing sites that will keep procrastinators happy:

- mylifeisaverage.com
- www.apple.com/trailers/
- www.perezhilton.com
- http://en.akinator.com/

Till next time!

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