I've never been to a university Open Day before, not even Murdoch's. Before I came to university I had no real aspirations of studying again after high school, so Sunday was a new experience.
I was surprised at how much fun the people around me were having, as I was kinda bored. It probably would have been a different story if I had gone with friends, or if I was actually interested in finding out about a course to study.
There was a bunch of fun things set up that day to keep everyone entertained. There were rides, live music, festival food, and nova radio even made an appearance. I spent most of my time at the live music tent, but I did wonder down to the science and media buildings. The science section was interesting, there were little tents set up with a bunch of hands on fun. At the media end of campus there was a red carpet set up with people taking your photo as you walked past. Just before you reached the red carpet, however, there was a giant blow up whale shark. It was probably a litlle smaller than life size, but it was pretty darn close.
One of my favourite things about campus that day was the student centre. The glass doors, that I once thought were windows, had opened up and chairs had been placed outside to make for a super inviting environment. Why can't they do this all the time? Or at least during summer. Actually let's just make campus like Open Day every day. We can have tables and chairs on bush court, a live music tent, people wearing red and white shirts to help when you get lost, and show rides. Who wouldn't want to be on campus then?!
But seriously, the tables and chairs on bush court are a super awesome idea *hint hint Murdoch*.